Sunday, October 25, 2009

“Family Home Storage” is not “One-Year Supply:”

There are some very interesting changes are happening in the Church’s program to encourage members with their Home Storage programs. This is the first in a series of information bulletins which are being sent to provide up-to-date information to families. The hope is that families will make this issue a higher priority.

Recently, Church leaders have re-emphasized the counsel that families accumulate a supply of food and other commodities to prepare for temporal emergencies. In the past, the term “One-Year Supply.” was used but that term seemed overwhelming to many families. The Church is now offering new tools that can help any family, at any starting point, with their Home Storage goals.

The new tools include the following:

1. Online Resources. The Church has a special website called “Provident Living” ( The site has excellent information and tools to help with Home Storage.

2. A change of terminology and emphasis. The term “One-Year Supply” has been replaced by the term Family Home Storage which includes four smaller aspects. Church leaders now encourage families to approach their Home Storage goals in this sequence.

a. Three-Month Supply (Commodities that families use currently)

b. Drinking Water

c. Financial Reserve

d. Longer-Term Storage (Bulk food products)

3. The ability to order bulk food products through the local “Family Home Storage Center” (Formerly known as the “Church Cannery”)

This resource provides a way for individual families to order inexpensive bulk food products in quantities that fit their circumstances. Available products and prices are listed in a new online Home Storage Center Order Form.

The order process includes the following cycle:

1. Individual families give their product orders to their ward Canning Specialist.

2. The commodities are delivered to the Home Storage Center two months later.

3. On the delivery day, families come to the facility and repackage bulk commodities into #10 Cans or Mylar pouches for long-term storage.

4. Families pay for their order when they finish the repackaging on delivery day.

For assistance or more information, please contact your Ward Canning Specialist

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